National Children's Month

The Child Protection Unit (CPU) of the Department of Education (DepEd) kicked off the National Children’s Month (NCM) celebration with discussions on curbing bullying and ensuring children’s well-being in schools. Through measures that address several categories of children’s rights, such as recognizing the seriousness of mental health difficulties impacting children before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, the 30th NCM also hopes to meet and improve the mental health of Filipino children. Additionally, DepEd has started its anti-bullying initiative, which encourages community participation in the defense and protection of children’s rights while assuring the functioning of child protection committees.

The event has gone off without a hitch ever since. This remembering is beneficial for all Filipino youngsters given the issues that our country is currently dealing with. Over the ensuing years, I hope that this encouraging trend continues.

I think National Children’s Month is a fantastic program that ensures the rights of every child. This month-long celebration has always aimed to give Filipino children access to a secure environment, a good education, and healthcare.

References: Google. (n.d.). Google image result for Retrieved November 28, 2022, from month%2F&tbnid=nklXT55fvuPouM&vet=12ahUKEwjV1qCZs9D7AhWzNKYKHZGHDTkQMygEegUIARDFAQ..i&docid=HsXIsWRNNH6HRM&w=480&h=360&q=national+children%27s+month+picture+2022&ved=2ahUKEwjV1qCZs9D7AhWzNKYKHZGHDTkQMygEegUIARDFAQ


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